Moses a great leader was he,
He led the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea.
He led them in the wilderness for forty years,
And stood between God and them with many tears.
He was raised by his mother,
And even while in the place of Pharoah's daughter.
He fled from Egypt on the run,
And came to live in Midian.
Here God calls him to lead His people out of Egypt to the promised land,
But Moses doesn't think that he can.
His many excuses to lead, come to no avail,
So he and Aaron set out without fail.
Plague after plague Pharaoh says "NO",
But after the death of his first born son he says "GO".
Leading people that complain, bicker and try both God and him, cut to
the core,
He weakens at one point that closes for him the promise land door.
Moses truly was a great leader of men,
Who at some place and at some point had to begin.
God needs leaders to show the pathway through our struggles and strife,
Will you be one to lead others to the heavenly home and eternal life?